This is Saturday's haul - a clear round in the all sizes and grades steeplechase for the Jayne Bray Memorial fund - very happy with that as up until them my direction for Dylan had been pants! Then our last run of the day was an agility run which was clear and we won and we did it in the time, so it counts towards grade 7 ... just one more grade 7 agility to win to go up to grade 7.

Then we had the final of the Barking Mad winter series. A course set by Malcolm Jones, who apparently is not a push over for courses (and knows how to wear a bright pink shirt too!!). I wasn't too nervous for my run as I really did not think I had a chance of winning against grade 7 dogs. We went clear (see video below) even with Dylan biting me for instructions after his excellent run down the DW. Thank you Jackie Brett and John Gilbert for all the fab training. I was so proud to win with the only clear round, which as John said "counts for a lot". The glass trophy is beautiful and has a hologram of a dog jumping through a tyre. It is an amazing feeling winning a final, especially when you didn't think you would.

Sunday brought another jumping win at grade 6 on what I thought was a nice course, but there wasn't that many clear rounds which surprised me.  Unfortunately the rest of the runs were not so good. One agility Dylan decided his spaniel nose should kick in and he ran out of the ring. The last agility run went well except Dylan's angle onto the DW plus a light drizzle created a slippy moment and Dylan jumped off .. better that than hurt himself. The rest of that course ran well!

I had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the company of Samantha with Jenson and met some new people who allowed me to have a go running a collie ... wow so fast and my brain cannot work that quickly. Looking forward to holidays and KCI followed by West Lakes.

2/10/2013 02:58:10 pm

It's really pleasure to read your post. Thank you so much for writing such a nice post.


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