So we went to Chipping Norton show - our first Grade 3 show.
A lovely sunny day and quite a short one for us too as we didn't get there until 9am and left before 2pm!!

Anyway 3 runs
- a clear jumping round against all other medium dogs, ie those graded from 1 (starting grade for novices) to 7 (expert handlers and dogs!). We got a 7th place: so that was great.

- 5 faults on the agility run ... Dylan jumped off the dog walk - our current failing atm. My fault this time as I wasn't up with him, but otherwise a nice round

- elimination from the other jumping ... completely my fault as I forgot how to turn for a "pull in" ie over one jump pull in between that and the next jump and then over the next jump. Jumps are side by side facing you. It took my brain 3 attempts before I remembered what to do and then Dylan did it perfectly!! Ah well I haven't had that before in a ring but have done it in training. Will know better next time!

Next competition is Sunday at Axstane at the Orsett Show Ground in Essex. I have 3 courses to run - Jumping Combine Grade (CG) 1-4 (ie all grade 1, 2, 3, 4 dogs in medium) - 93 dogs, Agility Graded 1,2,3 (ie each grade only competes with itself, but grades 1,2,3 all compete on the same course - 66 dogs in total and 37 in grade 3, and finally a Crufts Qualifier ABC CG1-7 - so competing again all medium dogs, but ABC means Anything But Collies - there are 110 dogs in that one.

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